Steam Lab- Sept 2024


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


Bookings closed


Mead O'Brien - Stephen R. Huffman Learning Center - St. Louis
10800 Midwest Industrial Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63132

Event Type

Do the people who maintain your plant’s steam system really understand how to save you money?

The Mead O’Brien Steam Lab provides you a window into elements of the plant steam cycle as you observe live steam and condensate behavior in glass piping and glass-bodied steam traps under differing conditions. You will gain useful knowledge regarding:
– Steam generation
– Distribution
Control & Heat transfer
– Heat Recovery opportunities
– Condensate removal & return

For a sample agenda, please click here.

For a copy of our Steam Seminar brochure, please click here.


This event is fully booked.